The link between a university and its graduates is broken once they finish their studies. During the last few years the National Polytechnic School (EPN) has unsuccessfully attempted to deploy tracking programs and projects to alumni. This paper aims to discover the needs and interests connecting the university authorities and the graduates. Information gathering uses a survey with closed questions directed at graduates from the last three years. A structured interview was used for the authorities. This information was supplemented with revision and systemization of the best practices employed by recognized regional and global universities. The analysis of information identified: 1) international experiences show the existence of mechanisms for strategically articulated connection and communication such as clubs, events, virtual communities, newsletters, surveys and jobs; 2) 93% of graduates said they have not actively participated in outreach programs at the university. However, 97% of them expressed their desire to maintain a connection with EPN; and 3) all the authorities agree with the need to create a linkage unit for graduates. Additionally, they state that each department should have a tracking committee in order to give feedback to the institution. The information obtained will serve as input for a second stage, to propose an "alumni tracking and linking system" for EPN. It will define responsibilities and effectively integrate linkage mechanisms, which are currently absent and far between. Therefore, EPN will not only have a tool for two-way communication with its graduates, but will also be complying with the Organic Law on Higher Education's (LOES) requirements. LOES states that all public and private higher education institutions must implement a system to keep in touch with their graduates and the results shall be submitted for the information of the Council of Evaluation, Accreditation and Quality Assurance for Higher Education (CEAACES) of Ecuador.