共 50 条
A superposition framework for discrete dislocation plasticity
O'Day, MP
Curtin, WA
[1] Brown Univ, Dept Engn, Providence, RI 02912 USA
D O I:
O3 [力学];
08 ;
0801 ;
A superposition technique is introduced that allows for the application of discrete dislocation (DD) plasticity to a wide range of thermomechanical problems with reduced computational effort. Problems involving regions of differing elastic and/or plastic behavior are solved by superposing the solutions to i) DD models only for those regions of the structure where dislocation phenomena are permitted subject to either zero traction or displacement at every point on the boundary and ii) an elastic (EL) (or elasticlcohesivezone) model of the entire structure subject to all desired loading and boundary conditions. The DD subproblem is solved with standard DD machinery for an elastically homogeneous material. The EL subproblem requires only a standard elastic or elasticlcohesivezone finite element (FE) calculation. The subproblems are coupled: the negative of the tractions developed at the boundaries of the DD subproblem are applied as body forces in the EL subproblem, while the stressfield of the EL subproblem contributes a driving force to the dislocations it? the DD subproblem structure. This decomposition and the generic boundary conditions of the DD subproblem permit the DD machinery to be easily applied as a "black-box" constitutive material description in an otherwise elastic FE formulation and to be used in a broader scope of applications due to the overall enhanced computational efficiency. The method is validated against prior results for crack growth along a plastic/rigid bimaterial interface. Preliminary results for crack growth along a metal/ceramic bimaterial interface are presented.
页码:805 / 815