In the last few decades, nuclear energy has become an important source of energy because it is seen as a low intensity carbon energy alternative to reduce environmental pollution. However, nuclear energy has many hazards to both the environment and human life. This paper examined the status, opportunities, and challenges of nuclear electric power, with emphasis on issues of energy security, safety and occupational health implications for Sub-Sahara Africa and particularly Ghana. The findings of the review suggest that Ghana could be supported by the International community with technical and human competencies required to effectively develop and run a nuclear energy project. However, there is the need to have clear-cut health, regulatory, occupational health and safety policies and procedures for the nuclear programme. Further, maintaining and strengthening economic and political institutions for nuclear programme more specifically and the overall national economy will be critical for the success of the nuclear energy programme. This will obviously require first and foremost the passage of the occupational health and safety bill into law and its implementation to ensure safe and clean energy. Additionally, the review shows that nuclear power should not be seen as a substitute but a complement to other renewable energy sources to reduce energy poverty and promote sustainable development.