The multicomponent Co-Pt-Zr/Al2O3 and Co-Pt-Zr-La/Al2O3 catalysts were prepared by the sol-gel method. The modified Pechini method was used as a sol-gel approach to synthesize a system containing Co, Pt, Zr, and La. The sol-gel materials prepared by such a manner were incorporated into alumina in order to form the catalyst granules. The physicochemical properties of the catalysts were studied by a number of methods (TEM, SEM, BET, XRD, H-2-TPR). It was found that the synthesized multicomponent catalysts are highly dispersed systems composed of metal oxides and various microalloys such as the bimetallic Co-Pt and perovskite type structures-LaCoO3 and LaAlO3 having mainly the particle size < 10 nm. The catalytic behaviour of the the new sol-gel materials was tested in dry reforming (DRM), steam reforming (SRM) and combined CO2-Steam reforming of methane (bireforming, BRM) using a feed with a ratio of CO2/CH4/H2O = 0 divided by 1/1/0 divided by 1.5 over the temperature interval of 300-800 degrees C, P = 0.1 MPa, and GHSV varied within 1000-4000 h(-1). The synthesized sol-gel catalysts performed the high activity, selectivity, and stability in all processes: DRM, BRM, and SRM with producing syngas with varied ratio of H-2/CO depending on a feed composition. Thus, H-2/CO ratio is varied within 0.9-4.4 while steam amount added to CH4-CO2 feed is grown from 0 to 1.5 volume parts. Almost complete methane conversion occurs at T = 750-800 degrees C. The long-term continuous testing of the Co-Pt-Zr-La/Al2O3 catalyst confirmed its stable work in methane conversion by carbon dioxide and/or steam for in total >200 h.