This work makes a study of the universe of blockchain technology and its application in the world of the 21st century through the analysis of different virtual spaces built on it. The ultimate objective of this analysis is to assess and understand the possibilities that it provides in the construction of processes with a high social and / or environmental impact. To this end, an exploratory investigation is carried out through the study of significant or pioneering cases from a socio-technological perspective. The results conclude that, although blockchain technology was originally structured with a strong financial perspective, the passage of time has demonstrated its real importance, its contribution and its capacities for decentralization, transparency and immutability in social spaces with a positive social impact. The construction, based on the aforementioned properties, of a technology that has confidence as an inherent and key value that avoids the need for intermediate agents, opens the door to its application in processes of social transformation. This forms an alternative vision of blockchain technology that is still a minority and that has implied certain limitations when establishing links and obtaining information about applications that support this vision. However, and for this same reason, the degree of originality of this work is high, which ultimately embraces laying the foundations for a different perspective when looking at the use of blockchain technology.