This study reports the results of implant therapy involving a sinus membrane lift as well as conventional implant therapy in 24 periodontally compromised patients who were treated during the period between June 1990 and May 1995. Patients were included on the basis of being in need of at least 2 implants, 1 of which was to be placed in the maxillary sinus region, and at least 3 mm bone height was required in the sinus region. Following fenestration of the lateral sinus wall and lifting of the sinus membrane sinus implants were inserted as described for conventional implants. Annual follow-up visits included recording of plaque, probing pocket depth and bleeding on probing, and recording of the radiographic distance from the implant shoulder to the alveolar crest in mm. The Astra((R)), Astra((R)) sinus, ITI(R). and ITI(R) sinus were observed for an average of 30.8, 29.9, 29.4 and 25.3 months, respectively. Of the 80 implants inserted 1 Astra((R)) and 2 ITI(R) had failed at 11-12 months and 1 ITI(R) had failed at 42 months. The Kaplan-Meier estimate of the proportion of non-failed implants at 36 months were 100%, 95%, 91%, and 86% for the Astra((R)), Astra((R)) sinus, ITI(R), and ITI(R) sinus implants, respectively. Of the Astra((R)), Astra((R)) sinus, and ITI(R) implants, 71-82% remained free from bone-loss greater than or equal to 1.5 mm at 36 months, whereas this was the case for only 29% of the ITI(R) sinus implants. About 80-90% of the implants remained free from plaque; 65-86% remained free from bleeding; and 44-80% remained free from pockets greater than or equal to 4 mm. These results indicate that the sinus lift technique can be used successfully in periodontally compromised patients.