We evaluated the association between pulse pressure (1313) and cardiovascular risk factors in a screened cohort. Individuals who were receiving medications for hypertension or heart disease, who had no ECG record, or who had a record of arrhythmia were excluded. In total, 8,508 subjects (5,299 men and 3,209 women; age range, 18 to 89 years) were studied. Subjects were divided into four PP classes: PPA (PPless than or equal to40 mmHg, n=2,127), PP.2 (40less than or equal toPPless than or equal to44 mmHg, n=2,127), PP.3 (44less than or equal toPPless than or equal to50 mmHg, n=2,127) and PPA (50 mmHg less than or equal toPP, n=2,127). Multiple regression analysis was used for evaluating the association between PP and cardiovascular risk factor or lifestyle. In men, the regression coefficient was 0.27 for age, 2.50 for diabetes mellitus, 0.33 for uric acid, 0.20 for body mass index, 0.07 for heart rate, -0.83 for current smoking habit and 1.23 for habitual drinking. In women, the regression coefficient was 0.37 for age, 4.09 for diabetes mellitus, 0.42 for body mass index, 0.14 for heart rate, and 0.84 for habitual exercise. In both men and women, PP was significantly increased in association with an increase in the number of risk factors (diabetes mellitus, obesity, current drinking status, heart rate, and hyperuricemia). In conclusion, higher PP was associated with cardiovascular risk factors. These associations were similar in both men and women.