Aggressive behavior in educational institutions is a destructive factor, which adversely affects the successful completion of the educational process. It has a negative effect on the academic performance of students as well as a destructive impact on society as a whole. The issue of aggression as an antisocial behavior needs to be addressed, by the application of prosocial behavior strategies between people, and this is highly desirable and relevant in the education system. The article examines the relationships between different forms of aggression and coping strategies in the context of a social-psychological approach. The sample consisted of 63 university students majoring in psychology in the third and fourth years of study (aged 19 to 21, 54 young women and 9 young men). Data was collected for the inventory by assessing different kinds of hostility (BDHI; A. Buss and A. Durkee, 1957; adaptation of A. Osnickij) and The Strategic Approach to Coping Scale (SACS) (Hobfoll et al., 1994) (adaptation of N. Vodopianova and E. Starchenkova). In this study, we have put forth two research questions: first, on the influence of aggression and hostility on coping strategies. Secondly, the types of coping strategies that can predict the manifestation of aggression and hostility in students. Descriptive statistics, correlation, description and multiple regression analysis were used (SPSS, V. 22). The level of coping strategies was significantly different among students with diverse levels of hostility and aggression indices. However, students who had different levels of aggression had similar levels of coping strategies, by seeking social support as well as instinctive actions. The results of the multiple regression analysis showed that the decrease in total aggression might be predicted in cases of reducing aggressive actions thereby increasing the frequency of cautious actions, as well as more rare applications of manipulation in social interaction. Unfortunately, students use assertive actions less frequently than many other coping strategies. These results can be used to create new programs in the development of constructive interaction skills and primarily assertive behavior in interpersonal communication for students who major in psychology, that have formed the basis of these identified types of behavior.