Coplanar camera calibration is the process of determining the extrinsic and intrinsic camera parameters from a given set of image and world points, when the world points lie on a two-dimensional plane. Noncoplanar calibration, on the other hand, involves world points that do not lie on a plane. While optimal solutions for both the camera-calibration procedures can be obtained by solving a set of constrained nonlinear optimization problems, there are significant structural differences between the two formulations. We investigate the computational and algorithmic implications of such underlying differences, and provide a set of efficient algorithms that are specifically tailored for the coplanar case. More specifically, we offer the following: (1) four algorithms for coplanar calibration that use linear or iterative linear methods to solve the underlying nonlinear optimization problem, and produce sub-optimal solutions. These algorithms are motivated by their computational efficiency and are useful for real-time low-cost systems. (2) Two optimal solutions for coplanar calibration, including one novel non linear algorithm. A constraint for the optimal estimation of extrinsic parameters is also given. (3) A Lyapunov type convergence analysis for the new nonlinear algorithm. We test the validity and performance of the calibration procedures with both synthetic and real images. The results consistently show significant improvements over less complete camera models.