In this paper, we propose global and local electromagnetic (EM) field modeling in time domain and a novel GL double layered EM cloak. The GL double layered cloak (GL cloak) consists of two sphere annular layers, R-1 <= r <= R-2 and R-2 <= r <= R-3. Two type cloak materials are proposed and installed in its each layer, respectively. The outer layer of the GL cloak has the invisible function, while its inner layer has the fully absorption function. The outer layer cloaks the Local concealment from the Global exterior EM field; The inner layer cloaks the Global free space region from the Local field excited inside the concealment. The GL cloak metamaterials are weak degenerative When the source is located outside of the GL cloak, the excited EM wave field propagation is similar as that in free space, hence cannot be disturbed or disrupted by the cloak. Furthermore, the exterior EM wave does not penetrate into the inner layer, or the concealment. When local sources are located inside of the GL double cloaked concealment with normal EM materials, the excited EM wave propagates subject to Maxwells equations. It is completely absorbed by the inner layer of GL cloak and never propagate outside of the inner layer. Moreover, the EM wave-field in concealment is not disrupted by the cloak. The GL cloak is a robust, since it has complete and sufficient invisibility functions. Its concealment is the normal electromagnetic environment. Our EM GL double layered cloak is different from conventional common cloaks. The GL double layered EM cloak is proposed and developed based on a 3D GL EM modeling. Our GL modeling combines analytical and numerical approaches. There are no large matrices to solve in the GL method. Moreover, the GL method does no need artificial boundary and absorption boundary condition on it to truncate infinite domain. The 3D GL EM modeling simulations for the double layered cloak are presented. The GL method is different from the conventional methods. It has dual capabilities of the theoretical analysis and numerical simulations to study the cloak meta-materials, and field scattering problem in physical sciences.