The purpose of this paper is to discuss the impact of the overuse of information and communication technology/ social apps that eventually hinder the effective leadership and cultural functioning style in an organization. In this endeavor, this paper is based on the observations obtained through discussion with the employees. The swift decisions, continuous sense of urgency and speed have made e-leadership a vital part of the organization. This makes communication and work accomplishment faster, eventually saves time. However, this has a certain limitation such as misunderstanding, lack of trust and empathy. Thus, ICT must be used carefully by the leaders and not be considered as the replacement of face-to-face meetings or interaction. The study on e-leadership provides a different perspective on the thought process and vision of the managers who aspire to become effective leaders. Further, adhering to required precautions and care in e-communication may protect the organizational culture from the contamination of the overuse of e-communication with employees especially in certain circumstances such as COVID-19. The work on the dark side of e-communication in leadership is scant. Thus, this study attracts the attention of senior executives and researchers towards such dark areas of e-leadership, which otherwise was being neglected hitherto.