The objective of current exploration was to validate therapeutic efficacy of Ibuprofen, a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug and coccidiostat (Clopidol) alone and in combination against coccidiosis in broiler birds. Chicks were randomly allocated to five treatment groups of 25 broilers in each pen on 5th day of age. Birds in groups A, B, C and D were challenged by 60,000-70,000 sporulated oocysts of mixed species local isolates at 21st day of age. Groups A and B were medicated with Ibuprofen (100mg/kg body weight) orally and Ibuprofen (100mg/kg B.W) orally plus Clopidol (0.5g/kg) of feed respectively, post infection for five days. The group C was medicated with Clopidol (0.5g/kg) of feed. The group D served as infected unmedicated (negative) control and birds in group E were kept as noninfected and nonmedicated (positive) control. Therapeutic effects were measured in terms of mortality, growth performance, oocysts count, coccidial lesion scoring and weight of lymphoid organs. Coccidial lesion scores and oocysts count was lower in group A, B and C than in group D. No mortality was observed in group E, while highest in group D as compared to A, B and C. Highest growth performance, a significant reduction in oocysts count and reduction in lymphoid organ body weight ratio was observed in groups B as compared to groups A and C. This study suggested protective, therapeutic as well as a synergistic effect of Ibuprofen with clopidol in chicken coccidiosis.