Purpose: To determine the 18-month clinical performance of four tooth-colored restoratives in non-carious cervical lesions. Materials and Methods: Buccal abrasion lesions in 83 teeth were restored with each of the following materials: Fuji Cap II, Fuji II LC, APH/Universal Bond 3, Lite Fil II A/Imperva Bond. Baseline and an 18-month recall was carried out using the Ryge (USPHS) method for retention, color match, marginal adaptation, cavosurface marginal discoloration, anatomic form and secondary caries. Results: The USPHS results (% alfa) for the four products were, respectively: color match (9%, 48%, 57%, 55%), marginal discoloration (71%, 76%, 52%, 50%), marginal adaptation (24%, 24%, 33%, 15%), anatomic form (67%, 86%, 95%, 45%) and retention (100%, 95%, 100%, 65%). Results indicated that (1) Fuji Cap II exhibited a poor color match at baseline (2) Color matching of Fuji II LC was comparable to the resin composites and (3) seven Lite Fil II/Imperva Bond restorations (35%) were dislodged after 1 1/2 years.