Given a simple undirected graph G and a positive integer k, the k-forcing number of G, denoted F-k(G), is the minimum number of vertices that need to be initially colored so that all vertices eventually become colored during the discrete dynamical process described by the following rule. Starting from an initial set of colored vertices and stopping when all vertices are colored: if a colored vertex has at most k non-colored neighbors, then each of its non-colored neighbors becomes colored. When k = 1, this is equivalent to the zero forcing number, usually denoted with Z(G), a recently introduced invariant that gives an upper bound on the maximum nullity of a graph. In this paper, we give several upper bounds on the k-forcing number. Notable among these, we show that if G is a graph with order n >= 2 and maximum degree Delta >= k, then F-k(G) <= (Delta-k+1)n/Delta-k+1+min{delta,k} This simplifies to, for the zero forcing number case of k = 1, Z (G) = F-1 (G) <= Delta n/Delta+1 Moreover, when Delta >= 2 and the graph is k-connected, we prove that F-k(G) <= (Delta-2)n+2/Delta+k-2 which is an improvement when k <= 2, and specializes to, for the zero forcing number case, Z(G) = F-1 (G) <= (Delta-2)n+2/Delta-1. These results resolve a problem posed by Meyer about regular bipartite circulant graphs. Finally, we present a relationship between the k-forcing number and the connected k-domination number. As a corollary, we find that the sum of the zero forcing number and connected domination number is at most the order for connected graphs. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.