The stable carbon isotope values of coalbed methane range widely, and also are generally lighter than that of gases in normal coal-formed gas fields with similar coal rank. There exists strong carbon isotope fractionation in coalbed methane and it makes the carbon isotope value lighter. The correlation between the carbon isotope value and R-o in coalbed methane is less obvious. The coaly source rock maturity cannot be judged by coalbed methane carbon isotope value. The carbon isotopes of coalbed methane become lighter in much different degree due to the hydrodynamics. The stronger the hydrodynamics is, the lighter the CBM carbon isotopic value becomes. Many previous investigations indicated that the desorption-diffusion effects make the carbon isotope value of coalbed methane lighter. However, the explanation has encountered many problems. The authors of this article suggest that the flowing groundwater dissolution to free methane in coal seams and the free methane exchange with absorbed one is the carbon isotope fractionation mechanism in coalbed methane. The flowing groundwater in coal can easily take more (CH4)-C-13 away from free gas and comparatively leave more (CH4)-C-12. This will make (CH4)-C-12 density in free gas comparatively higher than that in absorbed gas. The remaining (CH4)-C-12 in free gas then exchanges with the adsorbed methane in coal matrix. Some absorbed (CH4)-C-13 can be replaced and become free gas. Some free (CH4)-C-12 Can be absorbed again into coal matrix and become absorbed gas. Part of the newly replaced (CH4)-C-13 in free gas will also be taken away by water, leaving preferentially more (CH4)-C-12. The remaining (CH4)-C-12 in free gas will exchange again with adsorbed methane in the coal matrix. These processes occur all the time. Through accumulative effect, the (CH4)-C-12 will be greatly concentrated in coal. Thus, the stable carbon isotope of coalbed methane becomes dramatically lighter. Through simulation experiment on water-dissolved methane, it had been proved that the flowing water could fractionate the carbon isotope of methane, and easily take heavy carbon isotope away through dissolution.