The goal of foreskin restoration is to cover the glans penis to some extent with a double sheath of retractable tissue. Many men who contact NORM (the National Organization of Restoring Men) want full coverage of the glans, plus overhang, even when fully erect. A realistic goal is important, however, since satisfaction or disappointment is clearly related to expectation. For a tightly cut man, "success" may be just enough loose tissue so that erections are no longer painful. For others, it may be possible to achieve full coverage during erection. Currently, there are both surgical and non-surgical methods to re-cover the glans. The results, however, of most surgical procedures have proven disappointing. This presentation discusses both methods; however, the emphasis is upon various non-surgical tissue expansion techniques and devices. While the moveable sheath that covers the penile shaft is commonly called "skin," its structure is far more complex. Therefore, expansion of the shaft tissue is more challenging than expanding ordinary skin.