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How much of the world is woody?
FitzJohn, Richard G.
Pennell, Matthew W.
Zanne, Amy E.
Stevens, Peter F.
Tank, David C.
Cornwell, William K.
[1] Univ British Columbia, Biodivers Res Ctr, Vancouver, BC V6G 1Z4, Canada
[2] Univ British Columbia, Dept Zool, Vancouver, BC V6G 1Z4, Canada
[3] Macquarie Univ, Dept Biol Sci, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia
[4] Univ Idaho, Dept Biol Sci, Moscow, ID 83844 USA
[5] Univ Idaho, Inst Bioinformat & Evolutionary Studies, Moscow, ID 83844 USA
[6] Natl Evolutionary Synth Ctr, Durham, NC 27705 USA
[7] George Washington Univ, Dept Biol Sci, Washington, DC 20052 USA
[8] Dev Missouri Bot Garden, Ctr Conservat & Sustainable, Louis, MO 63121 USA
[9] Univ Missouri, Dept Biol, St Louis, MO 63166 USA
[10] Missouri Bot Garden, St Louis, MO 63166 USA
[11] Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Dept Syst Ecol, NL-1081 HV Amsterdam, Netherlands
[12] Univ New S Wales, Sch Biol Earth & Environm Sci, Evolut & Ecol Res Ctr, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
data bases;
determinantes of plant community diversity and structure;
functional diversity;
sampling bias;
D O I:
Q94 [植物学];
071001 ;
1. The question posed by the title of this study is a basic one, and it is surprising that the answer is not known. Recently, assembled trait data sets provide an opportunity to address this, but scaling these data sets to the global scale is challenging because of sampling bias. Although we currently know the growth form of tens of thousands of species, these data are not a random sample of global diversity; some clades are exhaustively characterized, while others we know little to nothing about. 2. Starting with a data base of woodiness for 39 313 species of vascular plants (12% of taxonomically resolved species, 59% of which were woody), we estimated the status of the remaining taxonomically resolved species by randomization. To compare the results of our method to conventional wisdom, we informally surveyed a broad community of biologists. No consensus answer to the question existed, with estimates ranging from 1% to 90% (mean: 31.7%). 3. After accounting for sampling bias, we estimated the proportion of woodiness among the world's vascular plants to be between 45% and 48%. This was much lower than a simple mean of our data set and much higher than the conventional wisdom. 4. Synthesis. Alongside an understanding of global taxonomic diversity (i.e. number of species globally), building a functional understanding of global diversity is an important emerging research direction. This approach represents a novel way to account for sampling bias in functional trait data sets and to answer basic questions about functional diversity at a global scale.
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