Network science landers for Mars

Harri, AM
Marsal, O
Lognonne, P
Leppelmeier, GW
Spohn, T
Glassmeier, KH
Angrilli, F
Banerdt, WB
Barriot, JP
Bertaux, JL
Berthelier, JJ
Calcutt, S
Cerisier, JC
Crisp, D
Dehant, V
Giardini, D
Jaumann, R
Langevin, Y
Menvielle, M
Musmann, G
Pommereau, JP
Di Pippo, S
Guerrier, D
Kumpulainen, K
Larsen, S
Mocquet, A
Polkko, J
Runavot, J
Schumacher, W
Siili, T
Simola, J
Tillman, JE
[1] Finnish Meteorol Inst, FIN-00101 Helsinki, Finland
[2] Ctr Natl Etud Spatiales, CNES, F-31055 Toulouse, France
[3] Inst Phys Globe Paris, Dep Etudes Spatiales, F-94107 St Maur, France
[4] Tech Univ Carolo Wilhelmina Braunschweig, Inst Geophys, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany
[5] Univ Padua, I-35131 Padua, Italy
[6] CALTECH, Jet Prop Lab, Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
[7] Observ Midi Pyrenees, F-31400 Toulouse, France
[8] CNRS Reduit Verriere, Serv Aeron, F-91371 Verrieres Le Buisson, France
[9] CETP, F-94107 St Maur, France
[10] Univ Oxford, Dept Atmospher Ocean & Plantet Phys, Oxford OX1 3PU, England
[11] Observ Royal Belgique, B-1180 Brussels, Belgium
[12] ASI, Italian Space Agency, Rome, Italy
[13] ETH Honggerberg, Inst Geophys, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland
[14] Aerospace Inc, F-33165 St Medard Zalles, France
[15] DLR, Inst Planetary Explorat, Sect Planetary Geol, D-12489 Berlin, Germany
[16] Space Syst Finland Ltd, Espoo 02200, Finland
[17] Univ Paris 11, Inst Astrophys, F-91405 Orsay, France
[18] Risoe Natl Lab, Roskilde, Denmark
[19] RST, Rostock Raumfahrt & Umwellschutz Ltd, D-18119 Warnemunde, Germany
[20] Finavitec Syst, Tampere 44100, Finland
[21] Univ Washington, Dept Atmospher Sci, Seattle, WA 98195 USA
[22] Univ Munster, Inst Planetol, D-4400 Munster, Germany
[23] Univ Nantes, Lab Geophys & Planetol, F-44322 Nantes, France
MOON AND MARS | 1999年 / 23卷 / 11期
V [航空、航天];
08 ; 0825 ;
The NetLander Mission will deploy four landers to the Martian surface. Each lander includes a network science payload with instrumentation for studying the interior of Mars, the atmosphere and the subsurface, as well as the ionospheric structure and geodesy. The NetLander Mission is the first planetary mission focusing on investigations of the interior of the planet and the large-scale circulation of the atmosphere. A broad consortium of national space agencies and research laboratories will implement the mission. It is managed by CNES (the French Space Agency), with other major players being FMI (the Finnish Meteorological Institute), DLR (the German Space Agency), and other research institutes. According to current plans, the NetLander Mission will be launched in 2005 by means of an Ariane V launch, together with the Mars Sample Return mission. The landers will be separated from the spacecraft and targeted to their locations on the Martian surface several days prior to the spacecraft's arrival at Mars. The landing system employs parachutes and airbags. During the baseline mission of one Martian year, the network payloads will conduct simultaneous seismological, atmospheric, magnetic, ionospheric, geodetic measurements and ground penetrating radar mapping supported by panoramic images. The payloads also include entry phase measurements of the atmospheric vertical structure. The scientific data could be combined with simultaneous observations of the atmosphere and surface of Mars by the Mars Express Orbiter that is expected to be functional during the NetLander Mission's operational phase. Communication between the landers and the Earth would take place via a data relay onboard the Mars Express Orbiter. (C) 1999 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
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