The Fourth Congress of Steelmakers, organized by the Association of Steelmakers, was held in Moscow in October of 1996. Deputy Minister of Industry S. Z. Afonin delivered a speech on “The Development of Metallurgy in Russia and the Nations of the CIS” at the plenary session of the conference. L. N. Shevelev and O. V. Yuzov (respectively representing the Metallurgy Committee of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, or MISiS) spoke on “Trends in the World Market for Steel,” L. I. Leont’ev and Yu. S. Yusfin (Ministry of Science of the Russian Federation and MISiS) gave an address on “Modern High-Efficiency Furnaces for Steelmaking Shops,” and G. Fuchs (from the German firm “Fuchs Sistemteknik) discussed the “Status and Prospects of New Types of Metal Charges for Steelmaking in Russia and Abroad.” G. A. Dorofeev (of the company “Intermet-Servis i Ko”) and others also addressed the session. Among the sections organized at the conference was “Converter Steelmaking,” where 49 papers and reports were presented, “Electrical Steelmaking” (44 presentations), “Steel Production in Open-Hearth Shops,” (12 presentations), “Treatment of Pig Iron and Steel Outside the Furnace,” (52 presentations), and “Teeming of Steel” (56 presentations).