The global financial crisis, which had caused the global economic crisis, affected the economy of 230 countries in the world. Unlike other fluctuations, this decline in its content became deeper and less predictable, and its duration is longer. Fluctuations of external environments impact on the economy of companies and enterprises, reducing their financial and economic sustainability, creating an even more urgent need for tools to manage their sustainability. The difficulty in creating conditions for sustainable functioning of the national economy lies in the fact that at the turn of XX-XXI centuries the globalization of the world economy, which is manifested in the interdependence of the economies of individual countries, the impact of the international economic relations on the state of the national economy, increased. Sustainable international economic relations arise between countries. Economic integration, which is due to the international division of labor, internationalization of capital, the global nature of scientific and technological progress, increasing openness of national economies and free trade, occurs. Convergences of the economies of various countries, their inclusion in a single reproduction process on a global scale take place. Despite the fact that international economic integration is quite high and promising level of development of the world economy, it increases the degree of uncertainty of the external environment of functioning of enterprises in various countries, making them dependent and vulnerable to changes in the economies of other countries. It in its turn generates the need to create a comprehensive controlling system stability of an enterprise that performs the functions of anticipation of negative consequences that affect minieconomic system. The article conducted a retrospective analysis of the main macroeconomic indicators of the Russian Federation over the past decade, the basic premises of the necessity of formation of system of controlling financial and economic stability of the enterprises are formulated. Analysis of the economic situation during the crisis let us to make the conclusion about necessity of development of the controlling system, focused on anticipation of negative factors coming into the "input" minieconomic system. Besides, the main principles and requirements for the system of controlling fmancial and economic sustainability of the enterprise are formulated by authors based on the analysis of Russian and foreign scientific literature. The implementation of the proposed approaches will improve the resistance of the economies of individual enterprises and, consequently, the national economy to the global crisis.