Purpose To determine the relationship between managers' leadership styles (ie, transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire) and job satisfaction as perceived by technologists in magnetic resonance (MR) imaging departments. Methods A random sample of 10 000 American Society of Radiologic Technologists members with MR credentials was invited to complete a survey that combined 2 previously validated instruments, the Vannsimpco Leadership Survey and the Job Satisfaction Survey. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to determine the relationship between managers' leadership styles and technologists' job satisfaction. Results MR managers exhibited all 3 leadership styles, and technologists in this study reported moderate job satisfaction. Data revealed that transformational and transactional leadership qualities had significant positive correlations with overall job satisfaction as perceived by MR technologists in this study with large effect sizes. A significant negative correlation existed between the laissez-faire leadership style and overall job satisfaction with a small effect size. Significant positive correlations existed between transformational and transactional leadership styles and 4 subscales of job satisfaction (eg, supervision, contingent rewards, nature of work, and communication) with moderate to large effect sizes. Laissez-faire leadership qualities exhibited significant negative correlations with supervision, contingent rewards, and communication with small effect sizes. No significant relationship existed between laissez-faire leadership style and nature of work. Discussion To maintain motivated and satisfied technologists, MR managers should use transformational, transactional, or a combination of these leadership styles. Leaders with such traits and skills should be selected to manage MR departments and guide technologists. Conclusion This study generates awareness of effective leadership models that encourage higher job satisfaction and fulfillment among MR technologists. Of importance, MR departments with satisfied technologists can lead to technologists with improved job performance and patient care. Future research directed at managers' perceptions of leadership styles and job satisfaction might provide additional information.