The purpose of this paper is to summarize current research literature in the area of Semiconductor Supply Chain Management (SCM). This paper will first provide background on semiconductor supply chains. General supply chain models will then be presented, including models for other industries, as well as the benefits of applying SCM. Lastly, it will describe the web site and search engine, that have been created as a result of this project, to be a resource for others researching semiconductor SCM topics. Supply Chain Management is widely recognized today as an effective means of creating long-term, sustainable competitive advantage. While it is impractical to specify universal characteristics of an integrated supply-chain strategy, every company should evaluate differences in strategies based on their own objectives, organization, resources and business environment. Uncoordinated supply chains leave millions of dollars on the table. A well-planned and well-executed supply chain will deliver products more quickly, with higher service to end customers for lower costs than the competition.