The dynamics of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), bovine parainfluenza virus 3 (PIV-3), bovine corona virus (BCoV) and bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) infections were studied in 118 dairy herds in south western Sweden. By using serology on paired samples from three similar to 7 vs. similar to 15-month-old calves per herd, the propagation of infections was investigated over about a 1-year period. The results implied that at least 74% of calves had experienced one or more of the monitored infections at the age of similar to 7 months (Sample 1, Spring); 30%, 48%, 34% and 8% were seropositive to BRSV, PIV-3, BCoV and BVDV, respectively. Seroconversions to BRSV, PIV-3, BCoV and BVDV occurred in 26%, 38%, 50% and 3% of seronegative animals and 63% had antibodies against two or more infections at similar to 15 months (Sample 2). In total, 90-97% of animals that were seropositive in Sample 1 remained positive in Sample 2. A significant association was found between BVDV and BCoV (P = 0.01). Moreover, a significantly higher proportion of herds in which no calves had a recorded history of respiratory disease (n = 15) were classified as negative to all four infections monitored when compared to herds in which disease was observed (P = 0.0002). This study showed a high infection burden in young animals and effective spread of BRSV, PIV-3 and BCoV in one area of Sweden. BVDV infections were restricted to a few herds, reflecting the effect of a voluntary control program against BVDV in Sweden. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.