A twice-exceptional student who is gifted but also has an additional exceptionality challenges teachers and educators to deliver the best teaching strategies. This paper reviews the current learning strategies, interventions and practices that specifically focused on twice-exceptional students. Research articles were obtained on online database of published articles. The scope is focused on intervention practices or instructions in the behavioral, developmental, emotional, or educational areas. By making a systematic review, this article summarizes 44 research studies on twice-exceptionality interventions between 2000 and 2018, regardless of the areas of disability. The findings are categorized into five main themes, preceded by the most used in studies which is academic or learning strategy, followed by support, strength or talent-based, art or music, and technology. An effective intervention must be tailored to their strengths and potentials as well as providing remediation and support for their social and emotional needs. This study is vital and meaningful for educators and parents to provide these twice-exceptional students the best intervention that suits their own strengths and needs.