The practice model described in this article represents a new synthesis of some of the best and most pragmatic models and concepts in the cultural competence literature. The article begins by infusing the ecosystems perspective with Latino-relevant theories and research for enhancing cultural sensitivity, both heightened awareness of the Latino experience and understanding of problem patterns in their historical, social, and cultural contexts. The article builds to a description of the practice model by selectively reviewing and synthesizing state-of-the-art models and methods of culturally competence practice. The resulting 2 x 4 matrix describes four major dimensions of culturally competent practice, across generalist and domain-specific levels of practice, considered essential to practice with U.S. Latinos: (1) increasing service availability and access, often through outreach; (2) assessment in social and cultural context, emphasizing basic grounding in the nature of oppression and social justice-oriented services; (3) selecting interventions acceptable to Latinos on the basis of their social and cultural experience and diverse subgroup memberships; and (4) institutionalizing multiple forms of social work service accountability to Latino clients and communities.