For the past 15-plus years I have had the pleasure and honor of serving as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Neurological Sciences (JNS), the journal of the World Federation of Neurology (WFN). Although virtually all English-language journals, certainly in neurology and neuroscience, are international in scope, origin of manuscripts, and to a relatively modest degree in the makeup of editorial boards and ad hoc reviewers, as the official journal of the WFN our editorial board is by design international. In addition, we have purposely attempted to encourage submissions from all countries and regions, as defined by the WFN. Because English is not the first or sometimes even the second language of many of the authors, we have been lenient in the number of revisions we allow when language is the issue. The publisher, Elsevier, provides a list of individuals in several countries who can be hired to help with language problems. On occasion we receive a manuscript that is virtually incomprehensible, and we are forced to reject the manuscript.