Surges of FSH were characterized in each of 12 Holstein heifers using a computerized cycle detector program, and as mean changes averaged over all heifers. Blood samples were collected 6 times a day at 4-h intervals beginning at late diestrus. Concentrations of FSH were adjusted relative to the preovulatory LH peak (Hour 0) and profiled beginning 48 h before and ending 120 h after the LH peak. Peak concentrations of FSH and LH occurred synchronously in 11 of 12 (92%) heifers, and only a 4-h interval separated peak concentrations in the remaining heifer. The FSH surge that was synchronous with the LH surge was designated FSH Surge 1 and was used as a reference to designate other FSH surges. Surge-1 of FSH was detected in 58% of the heifers at mean Hour-21.2, and Surges 2, 3 and 4 were detected in 92%, 92% and 75% of the heifers, respectively, at mean Hours 25.1, 57.8 and 78.7. Mean peak levels and duration of FSH Surges-1, 2, 3 and 4 were significantly lower than for FSH Surge 1. Mean concentrations of FSH significantly increased and decreased before and after the LH peak, resulting from the synchrony between FSH Surge 1 and the LH surge in individual heifers. Additionally, there was a tendency (P<0.08) for a second and third increase in mean FSH concentrations at Hours 24 and 60, which was attributed to FSK Surges 2 and 3 that occurred in individuals. Peak FSH concentrations of Surge 2 occurred (mean, Hour 25.1) within 8 h of maximal mean concentrations at Hour 24 in 91% of the heifers. Correspondingly, peak FSH concentrations of Surge 3 occurred (mean, Hour 57.8) within 8 h of maximal mean concentrations at Hour 60 in 64% of the heifers. Surges-1 and 4 of FSH occurred less frequently and at various times within and among heifers compared with Surges 1 to 3; therefore, they were not detected as mean increases in FSH concentrations but were masked as a result of concentrations being averaged over ail heifers. In summary, FSH surges were detected in individual heifers before and after the combined FSH/LH surge. The interpeak intervals for FSH Surges 1 to 2 (25 h), 2 to 3 (33 h) and 3 to 4 (21 h) suggests a rhythmic nature to the surges. (C) 1997 by Elsevier Science Inc.