The success of company strategic management greatly depends about the integration level of human resource function in the process of business strategic planning. This means that managers and professionals from the human resource department should be integrated into the process and team for strategic planning. In the strategic process planning human resource managers should: a) be involved in strategic plan construction in all the question of human resources and in the implementation of strategic choices in the company; b) know stategic goals of the company; c) know which kind of skills, behaviours and attitudes of employees are needed as the support to the strategic plan of the company; d) develop programs which will ensure that employees realy have needed skills, behaviour and attitudes as a support for company strategic realization. Regarding that basic questions of business strategy are where, how and wherewith compete, the good answer on this questions suppose that human resources are key strategic and competing factor. Because of that top management of the companies beyond team for strategic planning should engage not only the formal team for strategic planning, but also human resource management function with its management andprofessionals. This paper research the tipes of connections of strategic and human resource management in company praxis of Serbia on the sample of 212 companies. It answer on the question about the connection tipe between human resource management and strategic planning, is this connection on the administrative, one-way, two-way or integrated level. By means of questionnaire research method applied to managers on all management levels (top, middle and lower) are obtained interesting results in th e area of integration of the human resource management and the business strategic planning on the case of Serbia.