This study was aimed to investigate the temporal and geometric shoreline change rates in Lake Bey??ehir, which is the largest freshwater lake in Turkey, using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System and remote sensing techniques. Therefore, the multitemporal Landsat satellite images for 1984, 1990, 1996, 2000, 2006, 2014, and 2018 were used. The shoreline maps of the study area were produced from the obtained satellite images, and the shoreline change rates for the previous years were calculated using two different methods. As a result of the study, according to the end point rate and linear regression rate statistics, the highest average coastal erosion rate was determined to be-12.03 m/yr with shoreline withdrawal of 409.06 m in a 35-year period, and the highest average coastal accretion rate was determined to be 5.86 m/yr with shoreline advance of 178.36 m. In addition, trend and drought analyses were applied to the annual average meteorological data (temperature and precipitation) from 1970 to 2018, which were obtained from the Bey??ehir Meteorological Observation Station located in the study area. The results of these analyses were used to determine whether the temperature and rainfall changes over the years have had an effect on the temporal and geometric coastline changes in Lake Bey??ehir.