In the framework of M.Cube Project 22266, 1996-1999, ESPRIT Program of E.U, an informative system, called Mediterranean Cultural Directory - MCD, has been developed to support cultural initiatives and to promote the European Cultural Heritage. The major objective of M.Cube is the provision of services to multimedia developers and users of cultural multimedia, both directly and through inter-mediation. The Mediterranean Cultural Directory is an informative system about Internet resources relating to Multimedia and Cultural Heritage subjects and images, built as a directory by categories with specific record fields for each category. The data are structured according to three different category and each one is then divided in fields. The categories are: Cultural Organizations, Cultural Indices & OPAC, Events. In this directory are collected the Internet resources related to the four countries, France, Greece, Italy and Spain, and more generally information about Mediterranean Basin. The major objective of M.Cube is the provision of services to multimedia developers and users of cultural multimedia, both directly and through inter-mediation. In order to accomplish this major goal, it is necessary to generate all the internal know-how, organization and competencies to create the skills for strategic services inside the Regional Centers. One of the M.Cube services is the Mediterranean Cultural Directory.