This contribution surveys some perspectives of developing countries in addressing policy and practical challenges associated with the regulation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). It would be inaccurate, of course, to seek to portray developing countries as a homogenous group with regard to their priorities and concerns relating to modem biotechnology and biosafety; as in other countries, a diversity of interests and perspectives within and among developing countries gives rise to a tension in policy debates on appropriate GMO regulation. With that limitation in mind, this contribution focuses on a limited set of considerations related to the elaboration and implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. It surveys the main concerns and positions of developing countries in the negotiation of the Protocol and the extent to which those concerns were reflected in the Protocol as adopted. Specific areas addressed include the scope of the Protocol and its advance informed agreement procedure, the relationship with international trade agreements, socio-economic considerations, and liability and redress. The paper then considers certain implementation issues, including capacity limitations and new capacity-building initiatives; practical challenges in implementing domestic biosafety regulations; and external factors that may influence a country's policy and decision-making in respect of the design and implementation of biosafety regulation.