Various active compounds derived primarily from Oriental and European medicinal plants, including Ginkgo biloba, Panax ginseng, Nicotiana tobaccum, Huperzia serrata, Galanthus nivalis and Salvia officinalis, have been assessed for their efficacy in dementia, primarily in Alzheimer's disease. These plants may be used individually or, particularly in traditional Chinese or Ayurvedic formulations, in combination. The mechanisms of action of medicinal plant extracts in Alzheimer's disease have yet to be fully determined, but are thought to involve anticholinesterase, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and estrogenic activity, and cholinergic receptor activation. Robust clinical trial data are currently scarce. However, those that are available confirm the effectiveness of G. biloba in delaying deterioration or inducing symptomatic improvement in patients with Alzheimer's disease. In addition, the extract does not appear to be associated with adverse or toxic effects. The active component of G. nivalis, the selective acetylcholinesterase inhibitory alkaloid galantamine (galanthamine), is currently commercially available in Austria and is preregistrational in a number of other countries for the symptomatic treatment of mild/moderate Alzheimer's disease. Currently available data indicate galantamine to be well tolerated in the long term, with a relative lack of toxicity at clinically effective dosages. Future development tf effective novel therapeutic strategies fur dementia may benefit from the combination of conventional Western medical science and traditional Oriental medical practices.