Introduction. The present article is devoted to the study of the procrastination severity in medical university students with different personality orientation, as well as to a comparative qualitative and quantitative analysis of this phenomenon. The aim of the current research is to investigate the procrastination severity in medical university students depending on the personality orientation. Methodology and research methods. The methodological basis of the study is the fundamental principles of the personality psychology, developed in the Russian psychology by A. N. Leontiev, S. L. Rubinstein. The personality orientation was considered on the basis of the provisions formulated by A. S. Makarenko, A. N. Leontiev, V. N. Myasishchev, K. K. Platonov. To understand the phenomenon of procrastination, the authors implemented the provisions articulated by Ya. I. Varvarycheva, E. L. Mikhailova, N. A. Shukhov. C. Lei's procrastination scale was used in order to study the procrastination level. Personality orientation was examined with the use of the questionnaire developed by V. Smekal and M. Kucher. The obtained results were processed using the methods of mathematical statistics, in particular, the Kruskal-Wallis test, and Spearman's rank correlation test. The sample included 96 students of the 1st-2nd years of education (average age is 19.5) of the Irkutsk State Medical University. Results. The distribution of medical students by the level of severity of procrastination is determined. It is demonstrated that this category of students is characterised by an average and high level of a partial or constant tendency to delay the implementation of important matters and making decisions, consciously postponing the implementation of leading activity. The business orientation of the personality, manifested in the predominance of motives associated with the activity itself and with the enthusiasm for the activity, dominates in students. It was estimated that students characterised by personal, business and interaction orientation are statistically significantly different by the severity of procrastination, while the students focused on communication and interaction are characterised by a higher level of procrastination. The prevalence of social networks, the availability of mobile communications and the Internet create the basis for the implementation of the communication need with the use of virtual communication, and simultaneously is an obstacle to the implementation of leading activities. For students with a personality orientation, it is most difficult to correlate their own needs and the need to care responsibilities, such a dissonance of tasks and leading motives activates procrastinating behaviour. Scientific novelty. The levels of procrastination among medical students are revealed. It is established that differences in the severity of procrastinating behaviour depends on the dominant orientation of the person (personal orientation, business orientation, interaction orientation). It is stated that students with an interaction orientation, inclined to show interest in people, attentiveness to interpersonal relations, have a higher level of procrastinating behaviour. It is revealed for the first time that the focus on communication with other people is a personal predictor of procrastinating behaviour among medical students. Practical significance. The research results allow for the determination of strategies and formulation of recommendations on correcting procrastination, as well as prevention of procrastination. The research findings can be employed to organise targeted psychological work with students of medical universities.