Introduction: Speech Therapy Degree is relatively young in Andalusia and in general in Spain. Speech therapists professionals currently still have few outlets for employment, being an emerging specialty and whose need is increasingly evident in our society in the field of rehabilitation and prevention of the organs of hearing, speech, voice and language. All this makes it a highly demanded both in hospitals and private practice of profession. For lack of job openings to sanitary level is mandatory to create strategies that generate motivation towards self-employment. Objectives: 1 Stimulate the development of innovative teaching techniques and strategies during External Practices of the Speech Therapy Grade, favoring teaching based on the active participation of university students, promoting self-employment through the transmission of knowledge and experience from external tutorials with colleagues who developed his own company in the area of Speech. 2 Improving teaching methodology and method used during External Practices of the Degree of Speech, so as to improve the overall education of the student, their learning and their results, for optimal logistics planning and set-up to promote self-employment. Methodology: Students of External Practices in Speech Therapy at the University of Granada, receive information on strategies, skills and methodology to promote self-employment, from lectures through round tables, and presentations made by graduates in speech therapy professionals who have set up their own company in this area, which will tell their experiences and successes, and will also be carried out by specialists in Business Project and provide the key steps to start the company in a quick and safe manner. Results: The "First Conference on Self-Employment and Vocational Guidance in Speech" held during three days, have served not only to the student of 4th Speech Therapy Grade, but to all who attended all courses, stimulus in the search for their future profession, being receptors in the transmission of valuable information from the experience of professionals active in the field of speech therapy. Conclusion: The methodology and the teaching method used during the development of the conference object of this project has boosted student motivation that finish the Degree, in planning the strategies to follow in their orientation and implementation of their professional future establishing feasible and effective plan for guidelines of self-employment The evaluation of the students who attended the conference has been excellent in all lectures, workshops and debates offered.