Engineering educational institutions are struggling to identify a management paradigm that advances and supports core educational values and outcomes. Furthermore, the increased competition for public resources is inexorably privatising educational enterprises. The engineering and technology education system needs revamping in course content, teaching, methodology, practical training, teaching aids, evaluation procedures and placement networks. The information-communication convergence has made knowledge accessibility quicker and cost effective all over the globe. As technology undergoes swift changes, there are newer and faster demands on individuals, organisations and institutions. In the 21(st) Century, universities have to offer radically different education systems. They have to transform into learning organisations. As a result, while the effects of increasing change and competition may lag or be less apparent in engineering education institutions, it is inconceivable to assume that they will be exempt from the same forces affecting other business enterprises. This paper draws on business engineering/process redesign strategies to help engineering educational organisations to both drive and support environmental changes.