Peter Drucker once said, "Satisfying customers' needs and winning their 'satisfaction' and 'loyalty' are the foundation to business. " ISO 9001, widely applied today by many enterprises, specifies the standard of customer satisfaction in Clause 8.2.1, "business should monitor information pertain to customers' feelings, regardless the business meets the demand of customers, as measurement for quality management system. " As seen, "customer satisfaction " is indeed crucial to business. The question then is how to gain customer satisfaction. Traditional methods include mail survey, interview, e-Form, and online questionnaire on the company website for the purpose of "customer satisfaction survey" and "data statistical analysis." Although the data collected from the abovementioned methods can be constructed into a fairly comprehensive customer survey system, the long-time planning, analysis, and setup often appear difficult to business with insufficient capital, manpower and technology. This study, based on business models of B2B and B2C as well as the collective demand of common business, designs a 3-tiers database including 1) questionnaire maintenance module, 2) account registration module, 3) marketing management module, 4) data analysis module, and 5) manufacturer maintenance module. The operational platform for businesses, based on the concept of ASP (Application Service Provider) lease, can relieve businesses from back-end data maintenance, network usage cost, and administrative cost. Through request to Web Service on the Internet, the businesses can obtain related data on customers' satisfaction and data analysis. The application of the platform shows that businesses can gain the following. "management efficacy": 1) zero maintenance, 2) low cost, 3) high efficiency, 4) extendibility, as well as gaining customers and winning business opportunities.