This study was undertaken to investigate the possibility of using air aspiration to remove fiber from distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS), produced from fuel ethanol and beverage alcohol cereal grain dry-grind processes. The aspirated fraction was called "aspirated DDGS" and the remaining fraction (original DDGS without the aspirated fraction) was called "residual DDGS." Aspirated DDGS fractions were analyzed for individual and total phytosterol composition. Phytosterols arc high-valued nutraceutical compounds that can be recovered from grain fiber fractions. The residual DDGS (original DDGS after the removal of fiber) was analysed for fat, protein, neutral detergent fiber acid detergent fiber, and ash content. The study showed limited success in removal of the fiber from the original DDGS fraction. Fiber content was only slightly enriched in the aspirated DDGS fraction compared to the residual DDGS fractions. Slightly better results (in terms of fiber enrichment) were seen with DDGS samples from certain dry-grindplants compared to the DDGS samples from other plants. These differences could be due to the differences in the milling/processing conditions of the plants. Although slight enrichment of fiber was obtained in the aspirated DDGS fraction as compared to the original DDGS, no significant enrichment of the phytosterols was noticed in the aspirated DDGS fraction. Due to aspiration, slight enrichment of oil and protein was observed in the residual DDGS fraction compared to the original DDGS. The increased oil and protein and decreased fiber content of the residual DDGS could result in increased market value of the residual DDGS.
USDA ARS, Grain Chem & Utilizat Lab, Natl Small Grains & Potato Germplasm Res Unit, Aberdeen, ID 83210 USAUSDA ARS, Grain Chem & Utilizat Lab, Natl Small Grains & Potato Germplasm Res Unit, Aberdeen, ID 83210 USA