This paper questions the truth value of transferential feelings and transference love in particular, by using two conceptions of the unconscious and of what induces transference, namely that of Freud and that of Laplanche. These conceptions, which are not mutually exclusive, emphasize what comes from the analysand and what comes from the analyst. True and false, the transferential phenomena belongs to the psychic reality, i.e. the core of the unconscious. The analyst's position of power must be all the more neutralized as what emanates from his unconscious as enigmatic signifiers reproduces the situation of original seduction. Answering to the transference is a form of abuse of power whereas the ethical conduct demands that I answer for what is happening and what is interpretable and not to it; and this is also called for when one finds oneself in apparently non--sexualized situations, when one is dealing with a maternal void, or in hatred, destruction and the negative in all its forms, silent or not.