In the mid-20th century, similar to many lakes in the vicinity of Sudbury, Canada, Middle Lake was severely acidified due to nearby smelting operations. However, this lake is of particular interest because it was limed in 1973, and later fertilized as part of a restoration effort. Here, we use paleolimnological methods to track cladoceran assemblage responses to acidification, liming, and subsequent recovery in a similar to 250-year lake sediment record. Cladoceran assemblage changes, notably increases in Chydorus brevilabris, coincided with the late 1800s establishment of open-pit ore roasting in the region. As acidification progressed, the Daphnia pulex complex was replaced by the Daphnia longispina complex. At the height of acidification, and with similar timing to the liming, C. brevilabris increased abruptly in relative abundance in the sediment record, followed by a rapid decline. Invertebrate predation was investigated using Bosmina mucro length; however, no significant trends were evident. Our results suggest that complete biological recovery has not occurred. Specifically, species richness (rarefied) is similar to 64 % lower after the onset of acidification, and many rare species present prior to the onset of acidification have not yet returned to pre-impact levels despite dispersal events of these rare taxa being observed during contemporary zooplankton monitoring. Factors impeding the complete biological recovery of the cladocerans in Middle Lake may include biotic resistance, ongoing metal contamination, and a warming climate.