Background: Lower extremity bypass graft failure in patients with limb-threatening ischemia carries an amputation rate of greater than 50%. Redo bypass is often difficult due to the lack of conduit, adequate target, or increased surgical risk, and resultant limb salvage rates are reduced significantly compared with the index operation. We set forth to investigate whether endovascular treatment in this setting would result in an acceptable limb salvage rate. Methods: A single-institution, retrospective review from June 2004 to December 2007 of patients with failed grafts who underwent endovascular treatment with percutaneous balloon angioplasty (PTA) of their native circulation was performed. Stents were selectively used in cases of post-PTA residual stenosis or flow-limiting dissection. Technical success was defined as a residual stenosis less than 30%. Percutaneous attempts at bypass graft salvage were excluded. Demographics, comorbidities, procedural data, and follow-up information were recorded. Descriptive, logistic regression and life-table analyses were performed. Results: Twenty-four lower extremities were treated in 23 patients with failed bypass grafts. Average patency of the index graft before failure was 647 days (range 5-2758). Mean age was 68 years (range 51-85), 62% were male and 81% had diabetes mellitus (DM). 87.5% of limbs treated had TransAtlantic InterSociety Consensus (TASC) C and D lesions and 62% had multiple lesions. Technical success was achieved in 100%. Mean follow-up was 25.6 months. At follow-up, there were 17 PTA failures, which resulted in: amputation (4), redo-bypass (3), and redo-PTA (11). Freedom from surgical revision and PTA failure was 89% (+/- 0.07 SE) and 28% (+/- 0.09 SE) respectively. PTA secondary patency was 72% (+/- 0.09 SE) and limb-salvage was 81% (+/- 0.08 SE) at both 12 and 24 months. Overall survival was 83% 0.07 SE) and 77% (+/- 0.09 SE) at 12 and 24 months, respectively. Conclusions: Endovascular treatment of patients with previously failed bypass grafts results in a high rate of limb salvage. This is a reasonable option in selected patients and the primary choice in those with poor targets, conduit, or excess surgical risk. Endovascular salvage should be considered before proceeding to primary amputation. (J Vasc Surg 2009;49:1426-30.)