Background: India was placed under "lockdown" since March 25, 2020, to curb the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. Faced with this unprecedented situation, many individuals reported mounting apprehensions and some sought medical relief of anxiety. This study was carried to assess the impact of anxiety on COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown on the general public (18-65 years of age) and to assess its correlates. Materials and Methods: An online survey was conducted during lockdown. Using a survey form, a link was circulated using social media and E-mail. The survey included bilingual informed consent, sociodemographic data, characteristics specific to lockdown, and a self-rating anxiety scale. The survey link was circulated from April 1, 2020, to April 30, 2020. Results: A total of 987 responses were collected and analyzed. The study revealed minimal-to-moderate anxiety in 28.5%, marked-to-severe anxiety in 3.3%, and extreme anxiety in 0.1% of the participants. Anxiety scores were significantly correlated with younger age, students, currently employed, male gender, and lower income. Conclusions: The current survey indicates that 31.9% are experiencing significant anxiety due to lockdown and COVID-19 pandemic. Younger age, students, currently employed, male gender, and lower income are associated with higher anxiety. These findings suggest that there is a need of expanding the mental health services in society during and immediately after the pandemic situation.