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Sampling Naturally Contaminated Broiler Carcasses for Salmonella by Three Different Methods
Cox, N. A.
Buhr, R. J.
Smith, D. P.
Cason, J. A.
Rigsby, L. L.
Bourassa, D. V.
Fedorka-Cray, P. J.
Cosby, D. E.
[1] ARS, USDA, Russell Res Ctr, Athens, GA 30605 USA
[2] N Carolina State Univ, Prestage Dept Poultry Sci, Raleigh, NC 27695 USA
D O I:
Q81 [生物工程学(生物技术)];
Q93 [微生物学];
071005 ;
0836 ;
090102 ;
100705 ;
Postchill neck skin maceration (NSM) and whole-carcass rinsing (WCR) are frequently used methods to detect salmonellae from processed broilers. These are practical, nondestructive methods, but they are insensitive and may result in false negatives (20 to 40%). Neck skin samples comprise only 4% of the skin from the broiler carcass by weight, while WCR will not detect firmly attached Salmonella organisms and only 7.5% of the rinsate is utilized. Whole-carcass enrichment (WCE) involves incubation of the whole carcass overnight in a preenrichment broth and can recover as few as 8 inoculated Salmonella cells per carcass. The objective of this study was to use NSM, WCR, and WCE sampling to detect naturally occurring Salmonella from the same commercially processed broiler either prechill or postchill. Ten carcasses were obtained prechill and another 10 postchill on each of two replicate days from each of two commercial processing plants. From each carcass, 8.3 g of neck skin was sampled, and then the carcass was rinsed with 400 ml of 1% buffered peptone water. Thirty milliliters was removed and incubated (WCR), and the remaining 370 ml of broth and the carcass were incubated at 37 degrees C for 24 h (WCE). Overall, Salmonella organisms were detected on 21, 24, and 32 of 40 prechill carcasses by NSM, WCR, and WCE, respectively, while 2, 2, and 19 of 40 postchill carcasses were positive by the respective methods. Prechill carcasses were 64% (77 of 120) positive for Salmonella, while postchill carcasses were 19% (23 of 120) positive. Commercial processing reduced the positive-sample prevalence by 45%. Salmonella organisms were detected on 20% (24 of 120) of the samples from plant 1 and 63% (76 of 120) of the carcasses from plant 2. This study demonstrates significant differences in the results for Salmonella prevalence among sampling methods both before and after immersion chilling, as well as between processing plants on days that samples were taken.
页码:493 / 495