We propose a versatile ship HVAC system analysis and optimization tool by combining vemESRDC, a dynamic system-level ship thermal management tool, and a complete vapor compression refrigeration model developed based on the classical epsilon-NTU method in the quasi-steady-state approximation. The mathematical background of each model is summarized herein for congruity while the numerical coupling is discussed in detail. Subsequently, we present an application example wherein the coupled tool is employed to size a shipboard chiller subject to design and operational constraints faced by a notional all electric ship and its thermal loads. The dynamic chiller behavior is then examined as a function of ship operation modes, namely, shore, cruise, and battle mode, while an ant colony optimizer is used to control the chiller to achieve the desired chilled water temperature. Simulation results verify the numerical coupling and demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed tool as well as the robustness of the ant colony optimizer for control purposes.