This paper evaluates the views of entrepreneurs and their sense of satisfaction of entrepreneurship in terms of financial and non-financial criteria using a questionnaire survey focused on small and medium enterprises engaged in active business in the Czech Republic. The main objective is to confirm that the choice of active entrepreneurship makes sense not only from a macroeconomic point of view, but it is a choice of self-employment, which is long-term and beneficial financially, socially and personally for entrepreneurs. 884 respondents doing business mostly in the form of sole proprietorship, i.e. the self-employed, and differing in the length of time in business, number of employees and specializations participated in the questionnaire survey. This paper analyzes the factors that Czech entrepreneurs prefer either choosing self-employment or employment relationship. The starting hypothesis is that the entrepreneur gets a sufficiently high financial income and this is not affected by the length of time in business, size of business or family tradition. Another initial assumption is that the entrepreneur prefers the option of entrepreneurship for its time flexibility, business persons' independence and self-reliance and these non-financial factors are preferred regardless of the length of time in business, size of business and family tradition. From a methodological point of view, considering the character of the variables in verifying the relationships, applied testing in contingency tables have been used to meet the objectives.