To measure the positive role that project conflicts play in project success and enhance the management level of construction project soft factors, interest demand, dependency, communication and trust are chosen as the project team dynamic features to analyze the impact of the interaction between these features and project conflicts on project success from three dimensions: relationship conflict, process conflict and task conflict. The methodology of Structured Equation Model is employed to examine the established theoretical model with the collected data from Shanghai. The empirical results show that there is a significantly negative correlation between the relationship conflict, process conflict and project success in which they will impede the smooth communication among the project teams and bring about frequent changes of interest demands and a lack of mutual trust, then create negative behavior of project teams and hinder project success. Nevertheless, there is a significantly positive correlation between the task conflict and project success in that it can facilitate the stability of project team interest demands, strengthen the communication of project teams and stimulate the successful construction of trust mechanism. Therefore, in construction project implementation process, trust and communication mechanisms of project teams should be established on the basis of equal cooperation in order to maximize the positive effect of the task conflict and minimize the negative effect of the relationship conflict and process conflict.