Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the nutritional content of some wild edible mushrooms from Turkey Trabzon-Macka District. Methods: Eight different species of wild edible mushrooms (Craterellus cornucopioides (L.) P. Karst, Armillaria mellea (Vahl) P. Kumm., Sarcodon imbricatus (L.) P. Karst., Lycoperdon perlatum Pers., Lactarius volemus (Fr.) Fr., Ramaria flava (Schaeff.) Quel. Cantharellus cibarius Fr., Hydnum repandum L.) were analyzed in terms of moisture, protein, crude fat, carbohydrate, ash zinc, manganese, iron and copper contents. The identification of the species was made according to anatomical and morphological properties of mushrooms. Results: The protein, crude fat and carbohydrate contents (limit values%: avarage) of investigated mushroom samples were found to be 21.12-50.10:34.08, 1.40-10.58:6.34 and 34-70:55, respectively. The zinc, manganese, iron and copper contents of the mushrooms samples were found to be in the range of 47.00-370.00 mg/kg, 7.10143.00 mg/kg, 30.20-550.00 mg/kg and 15.20-330.00 mg/kg, respectively. Conclusion: It is shown that the investigated mushrooms were rich sources of protein and carbohydrates and had low amounts of fat. Metal contents and energy values of the studied mushrooms were nearly similar to each other and agreed-well with the previous data. The results make these wild edible mushrooms popular to consume as good food sources.