People living in urban areas face different air-pollution-related health problems. Commuting is one of the high-exposure periods among various daily activities, especially in high-vehicle-congestion metropolitan areas. The aim of this work was to investigate the commuter exposure assessment to particulate matters with different aerodynamic diameter (<1 mu m to total suspended particles) and total volatile organic compounds using sensors called AROCET531S and AEROQUAL series 500, respectively. A total of 10 sub-cities at main roadsides of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, were selected, and the sampling period was during commuting time. The geometric mean of particulate matters with different aerodynamic diameters and total volatile organic compounds regardless of sampling time were ranged 6.79-496 and 220-439 mu gm(-3), respectively. The highest and the lowest concentrations for particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter 1, 2.5, and 4 mu m pollutants were seen at Kolfe Keranio and Nefas Silk-Lafto sub-cities, respectively. And, highest and the lowest values for particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter 7 and 10 mu m and total suspended particles were noticed at Addis Ketema and Gulelle sub-cities, respectively. Besides, the highest and the lowest values for total volatile organic compounds pollutants were noticed at Addis Ketema and Nefas Silk-Lafto sub-cities, respectively. The health risk assessment was conducted in accordance with the US Environmental Protection Agency standard which indicated thatparticulate matter with aerodynamic diameter 10 and 2.5 mu m might induce the health problems, whereas the total suspended particles might not cause any health problems.