The Fermat type functional equations (*) f(1)(n) + f(2)(n) + center dot center dot center dot + f(k)(n) = 1, where n and k are positive integers, are considered in the complex plane. Our focus is on equations of the form (*) where it is not known whether there exist non-constant solutions in one or more of the following four classes of functions: meromorphic functions, rational functions, entire functions, polynomials. For such equations, we obtain estimates on Nevanlinna functions that transcendental solutions of (*) would have to satisfy, as well as analogous estimates for non-constant rational solutions. As an application, it is shown that transcendental entire solutions of (*) when n = k(k - 1) with k >= 3, would have to satisfy a certain differential equation, which is a generalization of the known result when k = 3. Alternative proofs for the known non-existence theorems for entire and polynomial solutions of (*) are given. Moreover, some restrictions on degrees of polynomial solutions are discussed.