The aim of the paper is to show the results of the comparative research of the ethnic value systems of the Maris and Mordvinians on the basis of reconstruction from folklore paroemias of two ethnic groups. The authors use a complex system of techniques and stratagems applied to 6840 proverbs and sayings chosen from specialized dictionaries printed in the corresponding regions. A methodological basis resting on theory of systems analysis makes use of componential and contextual types of research as well as quantitative evaluation with a dichotomous method leading to an identification of four groups of ethnic values. In the hierarchy of value orientations special attention is paid to intolerable vices and moral flaws. The order of the investigation includes several steps among which the process of determining values, called,factors., from paroemias with the help of semantic analysis is of primary importance. Quantitative evaluation showed eight dominant values common to the two eastern Finno-Ugrian ethnic groups. They are organized in a descending order of their recurrence in the texts. It is widely known that there are universal moral norms and standards, but the relevance and systemic relationship among them differ within each culture. It is essential to define Finno-Ugric traditional dominant values as the social stratification, ideology and the economy in the Russian Federation are nowadays being transformed under globalization processes. Such transformations generally influence the lives of ordinary people, their desires and aims. As is known the continuity and changes of an axiological paradigm mold the basis of traditional culture, consequently its investigation in systemic ties, showing the correspondence of central and peripheral values is regarded of current importance. Research into Mari and Mordvinian cultures, analysis of their axiological paradigms, primarily, shows the core elements of such a complex phenomenon as ethnic identity, revealing the degree of cultural affinity, and - secondly, lays the basis for efficient intercultural communication and the integration of ethnic groups under study into a multicultural world.