The existence and persistence of financial statement fraud (FSF) are detrimental to the financial health of global capital markets. A number of detective and predictive methods have been used to prevent, detect, and correct FSF, but their practicability has always been a big challenge for researchers and auditors, as they do not address real-world problems. In this paper, both supervised and unsupervised approaches are employed for analysing the financial data obtained from China's stock market in detecting FSF. The variables used in this paper are 18 financial datasets, representing a fraud triangle. Additionally, this study examined the properties of five widely used supervised approaches, namely, multi-layer feed forward neural network (MFFNN), probabilistic neural network (PNN), support vector machine (SVM), multinomial log-linear model (MLM), and discriminant analysis (DA), applied in different real-life situations. The empirical results show that MFFNN yields the best classification results in detection of fraudulent data presented in financial statement. The outcomes of this study can be applied to different types of financial statement datasets, as they present a practical way for constructing predictive models using a combination of supervised and unsupervised approaches.